Learn & Reflect.

Learnings, teachings and, tips and tricks, for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you are becoming your truest self.

How to Increase your Dopamine Levels.
mental health Elaine Olson mental health Elaine Olson

How to Increase your Dopamine Levels.

Dopamine plays an important role in our bodies by affecting our behaviour and physical functions. When our dopamine levels have decreased, it has been proven to lead to different mental health struggles. Here are a few ways to increase your dopamine levels.

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Who Could You be if You Didn’t Have Fear?
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Who Could You be if You Didn’t Have Fear?

Nothing causes more sleepless nights than fear. Fear of failure, fear over finances and health and business decisions. Fear of spiders, snakes and small spaces. Who could you be in you didn’t have fear?

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Finding Connection.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Finding Connection.

With our instant and global methods of connecting, we have the wonderful ability to be aware of our friends and families’ activities on a day-to-day basis. However, this type of connection is inadequate in meeting our deep desire for attachment.

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Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot.

With natural light, we become more alert and attentive which promotes performance during any type of activity. Even our skin is more attractive with the appropriate exposure to natural light and our muscles relax. Here are some benefits of summer!

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Get Busy Living!
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Get Busy Living!

“‘I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living, or get busy dying” (Andy, Shawshank Redemption). What behaviours in your life are causing you to live or causing you to die? Not actually die, but bring about emptiness, loneliness, depression etc.

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Kick Their Sorry Butt Home.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Kick Their Sorry Butt Home.

I’m noticing a trending annoyance I have regarding the posture some parents assume when it comes to the marriages of their adult children.

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Reminder: Seasons Change.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Reminder: Seasons Change.

One of the most important gifts we can give to ourselves is to recognize the season we are in. All too often we desperately want the season to change, and we miss what the season is about.

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Spiritually Assisted Dying.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Spiritually Assisted Dying.

I recently had the beautiful opportunity to walk with a family as they said goodbye to one of their dearly loved. During this time, I understood that my role was to support this family with “Spiritually Assisted Dying”.

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Parenting in the Trenches.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Parenting in the Trenches.

As I reviewed my calendar over the past few months, I noticed an increased number of appointments for young adults struggling with depression, anxiety or experiencing a quarter-life crisis.

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Marriage Insights From The Seat of My Bike.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Marriage Insights From The Seat of My Bike.

Marriage is the ride of your life that takes you on rocky paths, to faraway lands that make you feel free and sometimes scared. Through my 40+ year marriage, I’ve developed a few new insights into marriage that I’d like to share.

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Local Tragedy Hits Uncomfortably Close To Home.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

Local Tragedy Hits Uncomfortably Close To Home.

After reading the heartbreaking news articles of yesterday’s court proceedings, I reflected on my own sense of angst and finally put my finger on the pulse of what was troubling me. We have failed…

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In A World of Uncertainty: Keep Calm and Carry On.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

In A World of Uncertainty: Keep Calm and Carry On.

Amidst the moments of inspiration, fun and beauty, there has been a certain sense of uncertainty. I feel it, I hear about it, I read of it in the news. Increasing unemployment, the ever-present threat of terrorism, and sweeping political change…. it can seem as if we are living on the edge…

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I’ve Been A Mom for 25 Years.
Elaine Olson Elaine Olson

I’ve Been A Mom for 25 Years.

I have no idea where the time has gone but this is a milestone worthy of reflection. Thankfully, after 25 years in my role as a mom, I’ve learned a couple of things (mostly by trial-and-error) that are making my journey with my now-adult children so very enjoyable.

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Start your journey.

Psychotherapy helps countless individuals work through trauma, depression, anxiety, loneliness, death and more. It is a safe place to unpack your feelings, emotions, and concerns while creating actionable steps to move forward. Maybe psychotherapy is right for you.